Pooch Cafe: Positive Thinking

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Presenting one of our RingTales Pooch Cafe animations.  Pooch Cafe is created by Paul Gilligan.  

Check out the Pooch Cafe blog here.   And you can see more Pooch Cafe animations at Bablegum.

Nice cut out animation in the beginning.  Great work by RingTales Producer Jason Decker and all the fine animators at Powerhouse Animation in Austin, TX.  


Filed under Animations

3 responses to “Pooch Cafe: Positive Thinking

  1. Love the Ringtales animations, but I’m afraid you post them pre-maturely! I’m not seeing the one referenced in this post – the most recent one I can find is “Old Mill” and the embedded player on this post just shows the Babelgum logo. Paul hasn’t even posted it on his site yet!!!

  2. Schultzter,

    Just tried the page and it’s working fine for me. Try refreshing. And I embedded off of Babelgum, so I know it’s up there too.


  3. Hold on. Just noticed that you may have to click on the player itself to get it to play. Give it a try.


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