Lazy Beats Free Any Day

Over the Hedge

When they wire iTunes directly into our brains we’ll all get a personalized sound track to our lives.  Neural sensors will automatically trigger appropriate songs to dramatize our mundane existence.  The result will kill the entertainment industry.  Who needs a made up movie when you’ve got a pulsing Hans Zimmer theme to yawn by.  Picking your nose becomes an epic heroes journey when accompanied by James Horner’s soaring strings.  Proper dental hygiene will seem like attacking the Death Star while flossing to John Williams penetrating brass accents.

Over the Hedge:  Predicting our depressing future since 1995.



Filed under Comic Commentary

2 responses to “Lazy Beats Free Any Day

  1. SaraCVT

    I already have a sound track to my life. I like mine–I doubt Apple has as good an imagination.

  2. ML Kashima

    You’re silly, but it could happen. As long as Hammy enjoys it…??? I was watching a real squirrel and it was so like our hero, Hammy. Say hi to him and we’ll have to see the future. I do believe it should be real…

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